Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Goku Super Saiyan 4 Model

Well Dragon Ball Z is an all time favorite for almost everyone. right? so here, I thought of making someone from the DBZ Universe. And who would be better than Goku. The best Character in the DBZ Universe(Personal Opinion).
Well I kept the model pretty basic... not too detailed but just tried to achieve the look of the character.
Here is the model. Down I have also included the turntable of the model.

Goku Super Saiyan 4 - 3D Model_Final Render

Here is the pipeline I use,

Even this model was first made in Maya. here is a snapshot. Didn't model the Muscles here. I only Made the topology clear.
Base Mesh
Started Sculpting the muscles and his clothes. by the way, the hair were temporary to just get the look of the character.
Sculpting the muslce and the cloth
Here i made changes according toh the 'Goku SSJ 4' design. added some textures and created some shaders.
Shaders and Textures
Added fur for a better look of the character. Polypainted Red(Fur's Color) under the fur to cover the gaps.
Adding Fur

Changed his hair, corrected the proportion of the model and completed sculpting the clothes.

Here is the Turntable of the model

Final Render
Final Render

Thanks for your Time. :)

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